Base metals price forecast

Inform your base metals strategy with metals price forecasts and analysis for the global base metals industry

A forward-looking view of the base metals market to boost your business strategy

Whether you are a buyer or seller of base metals products, it’s important to keep track of the forces impacting market conditions and price movements.

Our global team of experts is deeply embedded in the base metals markets. Our expert analysis provides critical insights to help you predict future trends for win-win outcomes in your contract negotiations.

Fastmarkets base metals price forecasts and analysis can help you easily break down complex market conditions to understand the forces influencing price volatility – and act with confidence. Our market reflective price data allows you to support your decisions to the board, strategically position prices in negotiations and create winning business strategies.

How can our metals price forecasts help to boost your base metals strategy:

  • Easy-to-understand price data to help you easily react to changes and developments that could affect your trading strategy
  • Expert analysis of supply/demand fundamentals, which allows you to save time on purchasing decisions and manage inventories
  • Market reflective metals price forecasts to lead your negotiations, inform your strategy and make business decisions
  • Unbiased, independent market research to plan how much material to commit to in spot purchasing or contracts in different regions.

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Follow the stories impacting base metals price forecasts

Read the latest market news and analysis driving base metals price movements and impacting our base metals price forecast

A second pricing notice will follow when the pricing database has been updated.  The following prices have been affected by this:MB-AL-0256 Aluminium fixing price for LME trade, rand/tonne MB-CU-0338 Copper fixing price for LME trade, rand/tonne MB-PB-0064 Lead fixing price for LME trade, rand/tonne MB-NI-0093 Nickel fixing price for LME trade, rand/tonne MB-SN-0005 Tin rand fixing price for LME trade, […]

Total open-tonnage stocks in London Metal Exchange-registered warehouses rose by 6.0% to 1,137,907 tonnes at the end of August, from 1,073,574 at the end of July, according to the latest data released by the exchange on Tuesday, September 10.

The London Metal Exchange has unveiled a series of proposals which, if successful, could accomplish what it failed to achieve close to a decade ago: bringing the investment community into the fold.

Fastmarkets combines the commodity intelligence of these familiar names:

Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Palm Oil Analytics • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more

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Our weekly forecast includes expert outlooks on where each base metals market is heading, including; LME stocks and historical prices giving you a 360 view of the markets most important to you.

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We recognize the importance of being clear about our base metals price assessment and index process. Our independently audited pricing process aligns with core IOSCO principles. Find out how we assess and forecast our prices for the aluminium, copper and nickel markets.

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