HOTLINE: Mixed views emerge from inquiry into FTSE regulation

Mining companies and other organisations submitting evidence to a UK parliamentary inquiry into the extractive industries have presented very different views on the regulatory regime for London-listed companies.

Mining companies and other organisations submitting evidence to a UK parliamentary inquiry into the extractive industries have presented very different views on the regulatory regime for London-listed companies.

Hotline was intrigued to read the different views from mining companies and other organisations submitting evidence to a parliamentary inquiry into the extractive industries.

Various responses came in to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee before this month’s deadline for submissions.

The key matter was how the UK could improve the regulatory framework for London-listed companies.

Campaign group Global Witness wants a public registry that identifies the ultimate owners of companies.

Conservation group WWF is in favour of tighter legislation.

ENRC wants a quarantine period for newly listed companies to help them adjust to the new regulatory requirements they face.

BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and Glencore Xstrata all said they were happy with regulation as it is.