Metal Bulletin now accepting aluminium award nominations

Metal Bulletin is now accepting nominations for the second Global Aluminium Excellence Awards, to be presented during the 29th International Aluminium Conference in Abu Dhabi in September.

Metal Bulletin began its aluminium awards programme in 2013, when it recognised companies including Dubai Aluminium, Alcoa, Novelis and Orbite Aluminae at a successful awards event in Geneva.

A company may nominate itself for the 2014 awards or may be nominated by its clients, its vendors or other industry associates.

All nomination forms will be vetted by senior Metal Bulletin editors, with judges reviewing shortlisted nominations in each category.

In addition to the awards given out in Geneva, this year’s programme adds eight new categories, including secondary aluminium smelting company of the year, aluminium extruding company of the year, aluminium rolling company of the year, and aluminium deal of the year.

In all, 19 awards will be presented at the event on September 22-24.

For full details of the award categories and to download a nomination form, please visit the aluminium awards home page.

Jethro Wookey
Twitter: @jethrowookey_mb