FREE WEB SEMINAR: Metal Bulletin alumina indices web seminar catch-up

Did you catch the Metal Bulletin web seminar on its alumina indices on April 7?

Did you catch the Metal Bulletin web seminar on its alumina indices on April 7?

If not, you can listen to the recording at the link below:
Metal Bulletin alumina indices – methodology and market trends explained

After a swift fall in prices at the end of 2015, and a rally which saw Metal Bulletin’s fob Australia alumina index gain 25% in the first quarter, the alumina market’s own fundamentals have come into focus, highlighting the importance of transparent and representative spot indices.

In the web seminar, the Metal Bulletin team discussed:
– the current trends in the alumina market and factors driving price moves
– Metal Bulletin’s indices, and how the alumina prices are calculated, including the new fob Brazil adjustment
– pricing governance, compliance and technology
– the next steps in raw materials pricing, including bauxite pricing

Frequently asked questions the Metal Bulletin team answered related to the alumina indices, including the portion of the global spot market captured the indices; the treatment of outlier data points, and expectations for prices for the rest of the year.

If you have any questions arising from the points covered in the web seminar, please send them to Charlotte Radford at  

Click here to listen to the web seminar again.