TRADE CASE MONITOR: Around the world in November 2017

As competition in the global steel markets remains fierce, Metal Bulletin provides an update on the new, progressing and closed trade cases from around the world in November 2017.

The case list below includes only updates. For other continuing cases this year, see the JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay  and JuneJulyAugustSeptember and October updates.

Origin of products under scrutiny
Latest action
Next action, if known

Taiwan, Indonesia, Thailand.
Provisional anti-dumping duties set on November 17.

Steel grinding rods
Final anti-dumping duties of 8.20-22.90% set on October 30.


Seamless steel tube & pipe
Anti-circumvention probe terminated on November 16.


Heavy plate
Italy, Japan.
Anti-dumping probe initiated on November 14.


Brazil, Mexico.
Anti-dumping investigation initiated on November 2.


Heavy plate
Anti-dumping duties of 16.89-22.55% set on November 29.


Steel threaded rod
Anti-dumping duties of 5.40% set on November 7.

Wire rod
Russia, Belarus, United Arab Emirates.
Final anti-dumping duties of 84.10-756.93% set on November 21.

Wire rod
South Korea.
Preliminary anti-dumping duties amended to 40.80% on November 28.

What to read next
he decision to amend the date of publication follows overwhelmingly positive feedback during the 30-day consultation period, which began on February 7 and ended on March 7, 2025. Previously, the five stainless scrap price assessments were settled on the 10th of each calendar month in line with the publication deadline for the US ferrous scrap settlement, […]
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