Decision to adjust Atlanta ferrous scrap dealer selling assessments

Fastmarkets has adjusted its dealer selling price assessments for ferrous scrap in Atlanta, effective Tuesday October 10.

After a consultation period that started on September 13 following the receipt of transaction data during that month’s ferrous scrap trade that indicated that the published values were no longer in line with those of the actual market.

A correction was issued on the same date after these prices were originally moved on that basis during the settlement on September 12, and not in line with that month’s market trend.

The original notice can be found here.

That market has now been re-adjusted as follows:

The assessment for MB-STE-0340 steel scrap No1 heavy melt, dealer selling price, fob dealer yard Atlanta is now $310 per gross ton for October versus $303 per ton in September, which represents a sideways market trend and a $7-per-ton non-market adjustment.

The assessment for MB-STE-0341 steel scrap No1 busheling, dealer selling price, fob dealer yard Atlanta, is now $350 per gross ton for October versus $295 per ton in September, which represents a sideways market trend and a $55-per-ton non-market adjustment.

The assessment for MB-STE-0342 steel scrap shredded auto scrap, dealer selling price, fob dealer yard Atlanta is now $330 per gross ton for October versus $334 per gross ton in September, representing a trend of down $10 per gross ton and a $6-per-ton non-market adjustment.

The assessment for MB-STE-0344 steel scrap cut structural/plate 5ft max, dealer selling price, fob dealer yard Atlanta, is now $335 per gross ton for October versus $316 per ton in September, which represents a sideways market trend and a $19-per-ton non-market adjustment.

These grades form part of Fastmarkets’ scrap package.

For more information or to provide feedback on this correction notice, or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to these prices, please contact Amy Hinton by email at: Please add the subject heading: “FAO: Amy Hinton, re: Houston shredded auto scrap.” Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to

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