Agriculture commodity prices: How to use them

Negotiate with confidence

Using our commodity price data and referring to specific price indices in contracts can be a strategic approach to navigating the dynamics of the agriculture, biofuels and feedstock commodity markets.

Whether you’re involved in procurement or trading, leveraging our prices can help you in analyzing cost and negotiating agreement price.

Fastmarkets publishes hundreds of price assessments each day for traditional agricultural commodities and emerging markets. These include both spot and forward pricing for soybeans and soy products, corn, wheat, vegetable oils and meals globally, as well as prices for biofuels, animal fats and oils, hemp, organic, non-gmo grains and industrials such as hides and leather.  

Our customer base is varied, ranging from global agricultural conglomerates, smaller trading companies, broking houses, government bodies, analytical organizations, banks and investment funds.

Understanding the current market prices for agricultural commodities, biofuels and feedstocks will enable you to budget realistically, effectively estimate total cost of ownership and assess financial feasibility. It will also allow you to benchmark and compare prices among different suppliers, empowering you to negotiate from a position of strength and secure competitive and industry-standard contracted prices.

Finally, if you use our data and news to keep up with price trends and market fluctuations, you will be able to identify and mitigate risks. Negotiating contracts with mechanisms for adjusting prices based on changes in market conditions will safeguard you against unexpected cost increases, protecting you as you operate within volatile and opaque markets.

If you are a seller or procurer, our price data will serve you as a valuable tool for maximizing profitability and facilitating competitive positioning of offerings, thus helping you capture market share effectively. Historical pricing information and competitive benchmarks can be used to justify pricing strategies and negotiate favorable terms with your buyers, ensuring optimal returns in trading.

Our price data is unbiased, verified and IOSCO-compliant. Want to learn more about how we can help you? Get in contact today

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to incorporate commodity price data and price indices into a contract:

To all businesses seeking dependable commodity pricing data, we offer accuracy, reliability and transparency through a rigorous methodology and IOSCO compliance. Whether you are a global agricultural conglomerate, a trader, a procurer or any other entity reliant on accurate pricing for informed decision-making, you will benefit from our comprehensive price coverage while being able to access our forecasting tools and analytical expertise.

If you’d like further clarification or wish to explore tailored solutions for your specific business needs, we invite you to reach out to us.

At Fastmarkets Agriculture, we are dedicated to empowering businesses with the pricing intelligence they need to thrive in dynamic commodity markets.

We recognize the importance of being clear about our price assessment and index process. Our independently audited pricing process aligns with core IOSCO principles. Find out how our price reporters and analysts assess and forecast prices in agriculture, forest products and metals

Fastmarkets combines the commodity intelligence of these familiar names:

Metal Bulletin • American Metal Market • Scrap Price Bulletin • Industrial Minerals • RISI • FOEX • The Jacobsen • Agricensus • Palm Oil Analytics • Random Lengths • FastMarkets and more

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