Agenda of 24th International Containerboard Conference 2024

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This year, you can extend your pass to 2.5 days – to include an optional workshop full of great content and even more unbeatable networking.
You also get free entry to Fastmarkets Forest Products North America Conference 2024, taking place at the same venue, on the same days.

MondayOct 28
TuesdayOct 29
WednesdayOct 30
Time in PT
14:00 – 16:15
Workshop: Optimising Sustainability: Key Metrics for the Packaging and Containerboard Industry

Separately bookable, Limited spaces available

This workshop is designed to help define key sustainability metrics for the packaging and containerboard industry. Understand how to measure and track these metrics. and identify opportunities to improve the sustainability of packaging and containerboard products. 


Bill Moore
Susan Cornish
Rachel Kenyon
Bill Moore

Bill Moore


Moore & Associates

Susan Cornish

Susan Cornish


Insight + Action

Rachel Kenyon

Rachel Kenyon

Senior Vice President

Fibre Box Association (FBA)

18:00 – 20:00
Cocktail Reception
08:00 – 08:50
08:50 – 09:00
Welcome Chair’s remarks
09:00 – 09:20
Opening Keynote – Industry Voice
Tony Smurfit
Tony Smurfit

Tony Smurfit

Group CEO & President

Smurfit Westrock

09:20 – 10:10
Containerboard CEO Strategies for Unlocking Growth in Uncertain Times

– Optimising for Agility and Resilience: Explore strategies for building a more agile and responsive supply chain to navigate potential disruptions, including supplier diversification, nearshoring, and scenario planning. 

– Examine how containerboard CEOs can leverage technologies like automation, data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize production processes, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency. 

– Building the Workforce of the Future: Explore strategies for attracting, retaining, and developing a skilled workforce equipped to handle the demands of a digital and automated future.  

Steve Henry
Joachim Klein
Charles Malo
Markus Gartner
Steve Henry

Steve Henry

President of Paper & Packaging


Joachim Klein

Joachim Klein

Managing Director

StepChange Consulting

Charles Malo

Charles Malo

President and COO


Markus Gartner

Markus Gartner


Mondi Corrugated Packaging

10:10 – 10:40
Macro Trends Shaping the Industry

– What is on the horizon for the mega macro trends, including the Impact of 2024: Analyse the lingering effects of the pandemic, market volatility, and other factors 

– A closer look into sustainability and the impact of regulations and shifting consumer sentiment, including substrate preferences and the willingness to pay for sustainability 

– The industry’s transformation: Megatrends of Gen AI and AI and presenting use cases

David Feber
David Feber

David Feber

Senior Partner


10:40 – 11:00
CEO of the Year– Winner Announced!
11:00 – 11:30
Networking Break
11:30 – 11:55
Macroeconomic Outlook – Growth and rates

– Global macroeconomic outlook
Where is the US economy heading 
The key drivers of economic growth from forest products industry perspective 

Lasse Sinikallas
Lasse Sinikallas

Lasse Sinikallas

Macroeconomist Director


12:00 – 12:45
Evaluating the recent M&A Frenzy: What's Next?

The pulp, packaging, and containerboard industry is witnessing a wave of consolidation, with companies seeking scale and resilience in a challenging market. Recent mega-mergers have reshaped the competitive landscape, prompting critical questions about the future. 

This panel discussion will bring together industry experts to delve into the M&A landscape and explore what lies ahead: 

– Analysing the drivers of consolidation
Mega-Merger Impact: Explore the potential long-term implications of recent mega-mergers, including their impact on pricing dynamics, competition, and product innovation.
– What potential divestment strategies could be seen? When might companies look to shed non-core assets or streamline operations? What are the benefits of such divestitures?

How can smaller companies compete and innovate in this environment? 

Vivek Singh
Xinnan Li
Charles Denison
Vivek Singh

Vivek Singh

Managing Director

TD Securities

Xinnan Li

Xinnan Li



Charles Denison

Charles Denison

Managing Director


12:45 – 14:00
Networking Lunch
13:45 – 14:15
Global Pulp Outlook

– What is driving the increased volatility in pulp price cycles and what are the long-term implications for the industry
– Has enough softwood pulp capacity come out of the market, and is hardwood capacity also at risk ?
– How have the past two years changed the competitive landscape for global softwood pulp producers?
– Why has so much fluff pulp and dissolving pulp capacity closed in North America ?

Pat Cavanagh
Pat Cavanagh

Pat Cavanagh

Senior Economist


14:15 – 14:50
End User Panel: Navigating Market Shifts – A Consumer Perspective

– How current market dynamics are impacting their businesses and how they are adapting their strategies for success. 

– Analyse the impact of plastic substitution on corrugated board demand and supply chains. Will this lead to increased corrugated consumption or create new challenges for end users? 

George DuCharme
George DuCharme

George DuCharme

Associate Director for Procurement

Tyson Foods

14:50 – 15:10
Fastmarkets Outlook: North American Containerboard
Derek Mahlburg
Derek Mahlburg

Derek Mahlburg

Director, NA Graphic Paper


15:20 – 15:40
What do investors want from the large publicly traded containerboard companies?

How can containerboard companies strike a balance between delivering strong financial performance while meeting evolving sustainability expectations and exploring new growth avenues?

Ronald Sasine
Thomas Blaige
Ronald Sasine

Ronald Sasine


Hudson Windsor

Thomas Blaige

Thomas Blaige


Blaige & Company

15:40 – 16:00
Networking Break
16:00 – 16:30
Fastmarkets Outlook: Europe Containerboard

– What to expect for demand growth as we move past destocking/restocking cycles
For how long will the European containerboard market remain in oversupply?
Why EUDR matters to the global containerboard market
– Key risks and uncertainties for the European containerboard industry

Alejandro Mata
Alejandro Mata

Alejandro Mata

Director Europe Packaging and Graphic Papers,


16:30 – 16:50
Regulatory Update: What will be the effects of the PPWR: The Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation?

– How will businesses implement the shift towards sustainable packaging?
Rise of reusable packaging
Increased costs and innovation- could this lead to more investment in innovative packaging design and recycling technologies? 

Elena Despotou
Elena Despotou

Elena Despotou

FEFCO Director General

European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers

16:50 – 17:20
Fastmarkets- Asian Containerboard

– What are macroeconomic indicators suggesting for demand?
– When will Asia’s market become better balanced?
– How will fiber influence the market?
– What are the key risks and uncertainties?

Beth Lis
Beth Lis

Beth Lis

Vice President, Asian Paper & Packaging


17:20 – 18:00
Afternoon roundtables

– A closer look into sustainability integration into the supply chain- challenges and opportunities
Technology Advancements- Embracing the power of AI
– Where next with M&A for our industry?

18:00 – 19:30
Cocktail Reception
18:00 – 18:00
Close of Day One
08:00 – 09:00
08:15 – 09:00
Sustainability Breakfast Briefing

– Innovation: Investing in R&D to develop next-generation, eco-friendly packaging solutions. This segment will explore advancements in bio-based materials, closed-loop systems, and design for recyclability. 

-The Regulatory Landscape: A comprehensive discussion on current and upcoming legislation impacting sustainable forestry practices, responsible sourcing, and containerboard production. We’ll delve into industry efforts to stay ahead of the curve and ensure compliance. 

-Beyond Carbon Footprint: A closer look at how the industry can maximise energy efficiency, explore renewable energy sources, and develop carbon sequestration strategies for a truly sustainable future

Abigail Sztein
Abigail Sztein

Abigail Sztein

Executive Director, Recovered Fiber

American, Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA)

09:00 – 09:40
North America CEO Strategies

– Discuss strategies for optimising the supply chain in the face of potential disruptions 

– Exploring the importance of embracing new technologies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and meet evolving customer demands 

– Addressing the challenge of labour- the need to invest in workforce development programs to address potential skill gaps and ensure a future-proof workforce 

George Staphos
Mike Doss
Craig Gunckel
George Staphos

George Staphos

Managing Director

Bank of America

Mike Doss

Mike Doss


Graphic Packaging

Craig Gunckel

Craig Gunckel



09:40 – 10:10
Fastmarkets Outlook: Global Recovered Paper
Hannah Zhao
Hannah Zhao

Hannah Zhao

Director, Fiber


10:10 – 10:30
Sustainable – Atlantic Packaging
Wes Carter
Wes Carter

Wes Carter


Atlantic Packaging

10:30 – 11:00
Latin America Packaging Outlook: What to expect for Mexico and Central America?

– What are the key demand & supply trends for Latin America for 2025-2026? 

– How can nearshoring trends in Mexico affect the market? 

– What should drive regional consumption? 

Rafael Barisauskas
Rafael Barisauskas

Rafael Barisauskas

Senior Economist


11:00 – 11:30
Networking Break
11:30 – 12:15
Technology Advancements- Embracing the power of AI

Join the discussion to understand if AI is a liberating force for innovation or a potential disruptor, and discover real-world examples of how mills and converters are already leveraging AI to gain a competitive edge. 

– What does this mean for packaging?
Is it liberating or fearful? 
Integrating AI into your supply chain process 
How is it being used today at mills and converters? 

Greg Tucker
Michael D'Angelo
Mohamed Azzouz
Greg Tucker

Greg Tucker


Bay Cities

Michael D'Angelo

Michael D'Angelo


AICC, The Independent Packaging Association

Mohamed Azzouz

Mohamed Azzouz

Continuous Improvement Manager

Royal Containers Ltd

12:15 – 12:45
The future of eCommerce packaging: adapting to emerging trends and technologies

The eCommerce supply chain has been around for only 25 years. As eCommerce companies grew and added more expertise to their ranks, they started optimizing their logistics and packaging. 

At first, everything was packed in American cases, then slowly moved to more sophisticated boxes mailers, bags and automation.  

The latest wave – driven by consumers and regulation – is moving the portfolio even more towards automation (technology), recycled paper and custom eCommerce packaging (for example: protective mailers) in the future, since the supply chain is now ready for it, we will see the development of custom eCommerce packaging (a combination of existing materials and designs) 

Nedim Nisic
Nedim Nisic

Nedim Nisic

Group eCommerce Director

Mondi Group

12:45 – 14:15
Networking Lunch
14:00 – 14:30
Sustainability- A Smurfit Westrock Perspective

In this session, we will discuss the circularity of fiber-based packaging, responsible forestry, innovative partnerships and the path to decarbonisation. 

Christopher Davidson
Christopher Davidson

Christopher Davidson

Vice President, Sustainability

Smurfit Westrock

14:35 – 15:15
Weathering the Containerboard Shipping Storm: Strategies for Efficiency and Profitability

– Analyse how geopolitical tensions are impacting containerboard transportation and explore potential mitigation strategies for businesses. 

– Explore strategies for optimising containerboard transportation by leveraging intermodal options, route planning, and collaborative logistics partnerships. 

Craig Fuller
Craig Fuller

Craig Fuller

Founder and CEO


15:15 – 15:30
Closing Remarks