US weekly corn crop conditions improve and soybean harvest starts

The USDA's latest report shows US corn crop ratings at 65% in good-to-excellent condition, surpassing analyst expectations, while soybean ratings slightly declined

US corn crop ratings were reported at 65% in good-to-excellent condition in the week to Sunday September 15, exceeding analysts’ projections, the USDA’s weekly crop progress report showed on Monday September 16. Ahead of the report’s release, analysts estimated that 63% of the corn crop was in good-to-excellent condition.

The USDA said that 9% of the corn crop was harvested, which was 4 percentage points above last week, up by 1 percentage point year on year and up by 3 percentage points from the five-year average.

Soybean crop ratings declined by 1 percentage point to 64% in good-to-excellent condition, in line with market estimates before the USDA weekly crop conditions update.

In the first soybean harvest indication, the USDA reported that 6% of the crop had been gathered, 2 percentage points ahead of last year’s pace, and double the five-year average.

Department data showed that 92% of the spring wheat crop was harvested, up from 85% the previous week, up from 91% at the same point last year and up from 90% in the five-year average.

Barley harvest was reported as 94% complete, ahead of last year and the five-year average.

Winter wheat planting was 14% complete, double the progress last week and up by 1 percentage point from last year and the five-year average.

Soil moisture declined over the reporting week.

Topsoil moisture conditions during the reporting week were described as 18% very short, 34% short, 45% adequate and 3% surplus, compared with the previous week’s 15% very short, 32% short, 49% adequate and 4% surplus.

Subsoil moisture conditions were listed as 16% very short, 32% short, 49% adequate and 3% surplus, compared with the previous week’s 14% very short, 31% short, 52% adequate and 3% surplus.

85% dented (74% last week, 88% last year, 84% five-year average)
45% mature (29% last week, 48% last year, 38% five-year average)
9% harvested (5% last week, 8% last year, 6% five-year average)
65% good-to-excellent condition (64% last week, 51% last year)

44% dropping leaves (25% last week, 47% last year, 37% five-year average)
6% harvested (N/A last week, 4% last year, 3% five-year average)
64% good-to-excellent condition (65% last week, 52% last year)

Winter wheat
14% planted (6 last week, 13% last year, 13% five-year average)

Spring wheat
92% harvested (85% last week, 91% last year, 90% five-year average)

94% harvested (89% last week, 92% last year, 93% five-year average)

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