Spodumene min 6% Li2O, spot price, cif China, $/tonne
Our Spodumene price chart overview provides a snapshot of the recent spot price history of Spodumene min 6% Li2O per tonne.
Our Spodumene price chart overview provides a snapshot of the recent spot price history of Spodumene min 6% Li2O per tonne.
Fastmarkets has corrected its MB-AL-0292 Aluminium ingot ADC 12 spot (MJP), cfr Japan, $/tonne price assessment, which was published incorrectly on Wednesday March 26 due to a typographical error. The price was initially published as $2,450-2,480 per tonne. This has since been corrected to $2,400-2,480 per tonne. Fastmarkets’ pricing database has been updated to reflect […]
Brazilian Nickel plans to use a technology not typically applied to nickel laterite projects, but which it believes is the answer to boosting supply outside of Indonesia, the chief executive officer of the privately owned UK company has told Fastmarkets.
This consultation, which is open until April 24, 2025, seeks to ensure that our methodologies continue to reflect the physical market under indexation, in compliance with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) principles for Price Reporting Agencies (PRAs). This includes all elements of our pricing process, our price specifications and publication frequency. You can […]