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Webinar on-demand

Global freight and shipping outlook

Recorded on July 24, 2024

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Recorded on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, Guy Hindley, partner at Howe Robinson, provided expert insights on the future of global freight and shipping during a live webinar. 

Key areas of discussion included: 

● With the coal trade up 107 mt (+ 8.1%) to 1.34 billion tonnes in 2023, what will 2024 growth levels look like and what’s the outlook for the coal market?

● Significant changes to coal trading patterns have impacted freight markets, with disruptors ranging from attacks to tonnage off Yemen to the Baltimore bridge disaster. How is the freight market reacting and what other factors could impact seaborne coal movement?

● Will China, India and Southeast Asia continue to require such large coal import volumes, given planned expansions of domestic production? And is there sufficient international supply to satisfy any potential growth in demand?

● Coastal coal movement in Asia continues to expand – what are current volumes and what’s the impact on international trade?

● Southeast Asia: as economies continue to rebound, where will coal feature in the energy mix?

This webinar gives viewers a taste of what to expect at Coaltrans Asia 2024, set to begin in Bali on September 8, 2024. 

Watch the webinar on-demand: