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Track and compare your paper and packaging prices against objective benchmarks to understand if your price falls within the industry average with our index builder tool.
Fastmarkets price indices have a long and respected history in the industry. They are collected and reported using a transparent methodology that has been refined over many years. Understanding how the process works gives our customers the confidence to use our prices in a number of applications, including using our price indices as escalators and de-escalators in their contracts.
View the packaging prices we cover
Let our experts guide you through the tool, answer your questions and help you find out if your packaging prices match up with market changes.
Before subscribing, I had my own numbers but lacked access to extensive data. Fastmarkets has provided a reliable reference to validate my R&D findings. The thorough platform training revealed all the necessary features, which I would never have known otherwise.
Index builder will show you how the box price should have evolved relative to changes market prices. The price index is based on the market price of materials. It also includes estimates for converting, overhead, profits and other.
Index builder will show you how your box price should have evolved relative to changes in the cost to produce it. The cost index is based on the cost to produce the materials. This includes cost drivers such as fiber, energy, labor, and chemicals.
Finally, index builder will compare your cost index and your price index to show how prices are evolving compared to costs.
Access examples for cartonboard, liquid container and paper bag
Keeping on top of paper packaging prices is no easy feat. Prices can fluctuate due to supply and demand trends, mill production costs, macroeconomic influences and many other drivers. Take a look at our model examples for:
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