Random Lengths is part of Fastmarkets

If you're looking for the latest wood products news and prices, you've come to the right place

Randomlengths.com is now part of fastmarkets.com

Random Lengths, still the most widely circulated and respected source of information for the wood products industry, will continue to provide unbiased, consistent, and timely reports of market activity and prices, related trends, issues, and analyses.

A new look and an improved experience means it’s easier than ever to stay ahead of the fast-moving wood products market with price data, news and market intelligence right here on Fastmarkets.com.

Our news, forecasts, mill intelligence and price reporting cover over 3,500 items, to inform and prepare you for the risks and opportunities ahead.

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News, forecasts, mill intelligence and price reporting for 3,500+ grades to keep you ahead of the competition

What’s happening in the wood products market?

Access our expert analysis on the key factors impacting the softwood lumber market in the first quarter of 2025.

Read the December edition of our pallet newsletter, exploring how the holiday rush and looming port strikes impacted pallet prices.

Access an excerpt of the Fastmarkets Random Lengths weekly report, with insights into price spreads between SYP and Spruce.

Who get’s Rice University’s primo Project Owl timberland offering in Louisiana?

Read about the key factors impacting the North American pallet market, including the evolving landscape of the US housing market and recent US election.

To view and download the schedules please visit: https://www.fastmarkets.com/methodology/forest-products. For questions and comments please contact pricing@fastmarkets.com.

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Price reporting, analysis, and market coverage of more than 1,600 items of softwood lumber, panels, and other wood products in North America

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