ASIAN MORNING BRIEF 27/09: Zinc prices rise on LME despite bearish views on base metals; Codelco to raise volumes to US by 15% in 2019; Santander zinc mine in Peru disrupted by local protest

The latest news and price moves to start the Asian day on Thursday September 27.

Base metals prices on the London Metal Exchange were mostly lower at the close of trading on Wednesday September 26, with zinc trading positively despite continued bearish sentiment across the complex. Read more in our live futures report.

Here are how prices looked at the close of trading:

Chilean miner Codelco is viewing the United States as an increasingly attractive destination for its copper cathodes and plans to increase shipments of the metal to the country by 15% in 2019 at a premium that is a half-cent-per-lb higher than this year’s premium, Metal Bulletin has learned.

Production and sales from Trevali Mining’s Santander mining operations in Peru have been negatively affected after output was halted by a local community protest, the zinc miner said on Wednesday September 26.

Global crude steel production volumes rose year on year in August, World Steel Association data show.

Prices in the seaborne coking coal spot market took another tumble on Wednesday following lower offers during the day.

Swedish steelmaker SSAB appointed Johnny Sjöström to head of its special steel division, the company said.

What to read next
After a consultation, Fastmarkets is increasing the publication frequency of its non-exchange-deliverable equivalent-grade (EQ) copper cathode premium, CIF Shanghai, from once a week to twice a week.
New plans to introduce block trades for bilaterally negotiated transactions on the London Metal Exchange are aimed at enhancing liquidity and transparency without harming the exchange’s core physical user base, chief executive officer Matthew Chamberlain told Fastmarkets.
The London Metal Exchange has unveiled a series of proposals which, if successful, could accomplish what it failed to achieve close to a decade ago: bringing the investment community into the fold.
The primary aluminium premium for duty-unpaid units in Rotterdam edged higher in the week to Tuesday September 3, while the wider European market found continued support from high replacement costs and tight nearby inventories despite slow consumer demand.
Market participants are converging on Bali in Indonesia for the Fastmarkets International Critical Minerals & Metals Summit (ICMMS) on September 5 and 6, so ahead of the event, we capture the main themes facing the global nickel market.
Fastmarkets has amended the MB-NI-0256 nickel low-carbon briquette premium, cif global to include all shapes of exchange deliverable Class 1 nickel metal.