Fastmarkets proposes to discontinue its price assessments for MB-STE-0561 steel ERW line pipe (X65), fob mill US, $/short ton; MB-STE-0873 steel ERW line pipe (X70), fob mill US, $/short ton; MB-STE-0852 steel welded LSAW line pipe API 5L X65 US $/tonne; MB-STE-0853 steel welded HSAW line pipe API 5L X65 US $/tonne; MB-STE-0022 steel ERW standard pipe A53 Grade A, fob mill US, $/short ton and MB-STE-0056 steel ERW standard pipe A53 Grade A import, cif Houston, $/short ton.
August 9, 2024
By Dan Hilliard, Mark Burgess