COVERAGE NOTE: Changes to Asian Mixed Paper Assessments

In light of China’s ban on imports of “unsorted” recyclables such as mixed paper that began on December 31, 2017, and following industry consultation, RISI will make the following changes to its recovered paper coverage from March 5, 2018:

PPI Pulp & Paper Week:

– Change the destination title of US Mixed Paper FAS US ports from China to Asia (price IDs 11886, 11888, 11891, 11912).

– Discontinue assessments of US Mixed Paper exports CFR China (price IDs 11914 and 11884)

PPI Asia:

Discontinue assessments of the following grades delivered China:

– Mixed Paper & Board, from Japan (imports to China, net), (price ID 695)

– Mixed Paper & Board, sorted (1.02), imports to China, from Europe (net price), (price ID 692)

– Mixed paper (2 and 3), from US (imports to China, net price), (price ID 616)

These changes are necessary as mixed paper to China has declined significantly.

As a result, RISI is unable to maintain reasonable assessments of the value of mixed paper for delivery to China.

In a related move, RISI will launch biweekly assessments of the following grades CIF main ports in Asia in PPI Asia starting from April 6, 2018:

– Mixed Paper & Board from Japan

– Mixed Paper & Board from Europe

– Mixed Paper from US (54)

For other RISI Coverage Notes please visit:

For more information on RISI’s assessment methodology, please visit


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