After conducting a market consultation process regarding proposed changes to the graphic paper price assessments published in Paper Trader and PPI Pulp & Paper Week (PPW), RISI will be implementing the following changes:
- In support of RISI’s implementation of IOSCO’s Principles for Price Reporting Agencies, transfer responsibility for determining Paper Trader price assessments from RISI economists who are responsible for price forecasting to RISI Indices staff, who aren’t involved with price forecasting
- Adjust PPW assessments to harmonize with Paper Trader prices
- Move PPW price reporting date from 3rd issue of the month to the 4th issue of the month.
- Newsprint 45-g: Round price to nearest $1 instead of $5
- Premium 80-lb: Revise top end of range downward by $10
- Discontinue assessments for 20.9-lb. white directory
For details, go to