COVERAGE NOTE: North American Graphic Paper Coverage

As a result of company-specific provisional countervailing and antidumping tariffs announced by the US government last month, market participants are reporting a wide range in price levels for US Newsprint. To better reflect this development, RISI proposes to switch from reporting a point price to reporting a price range, as it does with other graphic paper grades. This change would take effect from the May 2018 Price Watch.

Canadian producers have announced price increases at widely diverging levels in reaction to the tariffs. The lower levels of increase were set by companies that were assigned little or no tariffs, while the higher levels are from companies that received higher levels of US import duties.

For comments and to give feedback, please email noting “North American Graphic Paper” in the subject-line of the email by May 15.

For more information on RISI’s assessment methodology, please see here.