Because of low liquidity in the European spot pulp market, Fastmarkets RISI is proposing to discontinue price coverage with effect from the end of the first quarter 2019. The following two price series would be affected.
1) Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft (Spot Price) – Price ID 636
2) Bleached Hardwood Kraft, Eucalyptus (Spot Price).- Price ID 1128
Spot pulp trade has been thin to non-existent for the last six months. This makes regularly assessing spot pulp prices in a systematic manner very difficult and calls into question the relevance of these assessments. We would therefore propose to discontinue European spot pulp assessments and to focus on the contract pulp market. We will continue to assess spot pulp prices in the North American market.
For comments or queries, please email by Feb. 22, 2019, mentioning “European spot pulp” in the subject line of the email.
For more information on Fastmarkets RISI’s methodology for Global pulp markets, please see here.
For other Fastmarkets RISI coverage notes please see here.