The initial assessment will be published Thursday, February 27.
The European Spruce price specification is as follows:
Kd spruce (Euro) 2 2×4 16-ft, fob US Gulf/EC, $/mbf
Size: 2×4 inches, 16-foot
Species: Spruce, Pine, Fir
Location: FOB Gulf, East Coast ports
Grades: #2
Unit: US dollars per thousand board feet
Payment terms: Cash terms, no discounts included
Publication: Weekly, every Thursday, 3:30 p.m. PT
The European Spruce #2 2×4 16-foot price will be available as part of the wood products package on the Fastmarkets platform. The price will be added to the published PDF at a later date.
The new price will be assessed in alignment with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) best standards for price reporting agencies (PRAs).
To provide feedback on the new assessment or if you would like to provide pricing information, please contact Joe Pruski by email at Please add the subject heading “FAO: Joe Pruski re: Euro Spruce.”
To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to: