FREE WEB SEMINAR: How Metal Bulletin’s tungsten pricing reflects the market – catch-up

Did you catch the Metal Bulletin web seminar on its tungsten pricing on Tuesday January 31?

If not, follow the link below to listen to the free recording: 

How Metal Bulletins tungsten pricing reflects the market – methodology, market trends and next steps 

The recorded web seminar is clear throughout, and free of any interference that made parts of the audio unclear for some live attendees.

During the web seminar, the Metal Bulletin team discussed:
– How Metal Bulletin prices the tungsten market, including the benchmark European APT quotation 
– Current trends in the tungsten market and factors driving price moves
– Pricing governance, compliance and technology
– Next steps for tungsten pricing, including research into new quotations

The Metal Bulletin team answered questions related to price reporters’ treatment of outlier data points, the process for the launch of potential new price quotations, and Metal Bulletin’s regulatory obligations.

If you have any other questions arising from the points covered in the web seminar, please send them to Charlotte Radford at

Click here to listen to the web seminar again