Launch of two poultry fat price assessments

Fastmarkets launched assessments of the prices for AG-PF-0009 poultry fat, 2% FFA, DDP North-West Europe, and AG-PF-0008 poultry fat, 8% FFA, DDP North-West Europe, on Thursday August 15.

These launches were intended to add value to the current European animal fats assessment complex and to contribute to overall market transparency in the industry.

The specifications are as follows:

AG-PF-0009 Poultry fat, 2% FFA, DDP North-West Europe, € per tonne
Quality: Free fatty acids (FFA) max 2%, moisture, impurities and unsaponifiable matter (MIU) max 1%
Quantity: min 100 tonnes
Location: North-West Europe
Timing: Shipment within 45 days following the assessment day
Unit: € per tonne
Publication: Weekly, every Thursday at 4pm London time.

AG-PF-0008 Poultry fat, 8% FFA, DDP North-West Europe, € per tonne
Quality: Free fatty acids (FFA) max 8%, moisture, impurities and unsaponifiable matter (MIU) max 1%
Quantity: min 100 tonnes
Location: North-West Europe
Timing: Shipment within 45 days following the assessment day
Unit: € per tonne
Publication: Weekly, every Thursday at 4pm London time.

These prices will be part of the Fastmarkets Agriculture Oils, Fats and Biofuels Prices and News package.

The first publication of these assessments was scheduled for Thursday August 15.

To provide feedback on these prices, or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to these prices, please contact Veronika Prykhodko by email at: Please add the subject heading: “FAO: Veronika Prykhodko re: Poultry fat prices launch.”

Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets’ pricing methodology and specification documents, go to:

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