Missing data point for fluorspar prices

Fastmarkets has observed a missing data set in its fluorspar fob China pricing history. Price data for three fluorspar, FOB China assessments for February 8, 2024, were missing due to a reporter error.

The following prices were affected:
MB-FLU-0003 Fluorspar, acidspar, 97% CaF2, wet filter cake, fob China, $/tonne 
MB-FLU-0015 Fluorspar, metspar, min 85% CaF2, fob China, $/tonne 
MB-FLU-0016 Fluorspar, metspar, min 90% CaF2, fob China, $/tonne 

Due to the delayed nature of the issue, these prices will not be backfilled.

These prices are a part of the Fastmarkets industrial minerals price package.

For more information or to provide feedback on the missing data for these prices or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to these prices, please contact Nina Hu by email at: pricing@fastmarkets.com. Please add the subject heading “FAO: Nina Hu, re: fob China fluorspar.”

Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.

To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to https://www.fastmarkets.com/methodology.

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