PRICING NOTICE: Cobalt pricing consultation reminder

Metal Bulletin would like to remind cobalt market participants that they are invited to contribute to a consultation period, which may or may not result in changes to its cobalt pricing system.

Metal Bulletin would like to remind cobalt market participants that they are invited to contribute to a consultation period, which may or may not result in changes to its cobalt pricing system.

The consultation, which started in January 2014 and will run until June 2014, will enable Metal Bulletin to consider the views of anyone affected by this possible change.

The proposal below may be implemented from January 2015, but only if it is supported by market participants. 
Low-grade metal proposal
For a trial period from January 2015, Metal Bulletin may continue to publish low-grade cobalt metal prices on Wednesdays and Fridays.

But it is considering doing so solely on the basis of the London Metal Exchange prices, and not based on transactions gathered by its pricing reporters, as it has done historically. 

If, following the six-month consultation period, the above change is implemented, the market will be informed well in advance of the date of implementation.

If implemented, for the trial period, which would last at least for one year, the Metal Bulletin low-grade cobalt range on Wednesdays and Fridays will be based on the London Metal Exchange official cash cobalt bid/ask prices on Wednesdays and Fridays.

An implementation date of January 2, 2015 is proposed.

The high-grade cobalt range, also currently published on Wednesdays and Fridays, will continue to be assessed by Metal Bulletin’s editorial team.

Both ranges will continue to be published on a dollar-per-lb basis (low-grade prices will be converted from an LME dollar-per-tonne basis to a dollar-per-lb basis), and prices will continue to be published online in the current format on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Metal Bulletin will also continue to publish LME cobalt premiums/discounts for specific brands

Please contact for more information or to contribute your views to the consultation.

Fleur Ritzema
Twitter: FleurRitzema_MB 

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