PRICING NOTICE: Group and species lumber composites corrected

A number of group/species lumber composite prices were posted incorrectly on the RISI website due to a technical glitch. The values on the website have been corrected.

The following composite price corrections are:

LCBM Framing Lumber Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,222                       Correct Price: $1,235

LCGZ Random-Length Dimension Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,133                       Correct Price: $1,170

LCHA Stud Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,102                       Correct Price: $1,144

LCHB Low-Grade Dimension Composite.

Incorrect Price: $738                          Correct Price: $768

LCHC Board Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,102                       Correct Price: $1,116

LCHD Shop and Mldg&Btr Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,595                       Correct Price: $1,609

LCHE Coast Dry Random and Stud Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,138                       Correct Price: $1,180

LCHF Inland Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,184                       Correct Price: $1,214

LCHG Southern Pine Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,093                       Correct Price: $1,144

LCHH Western S-P-F Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,081                       Correct Price: $1,108

LCHI Eastern S-P-F Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,169                       Correct Price: $1,196

LCHJ Green Douglas Fir Composite.

Incorrect Price: $1,004                       Correct Price: $1,048

For comments and queries, please send email to:

For other Random Lengths Pricing Notices, please see:

For more information on Random Lengths assessment methodology, please see:

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