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Assessments All Friday assessments will be published in the database on Tuesday April 7 and backdated to April 3.
This will include: China domestic and export steel and stainless steel prices, Asia import stainless, China domestic scrap, China domestic pig iron, Latin America export and import prices, Latin America pig iron and HBI prices, Turkish flat steel, India steel prices, EU stainless prices, UK/EU alloy steel scrap, UK scrap, India scrap and International scrap.
All Monday assessments will be published in the database on Tuesday April 7 and backdated to April 6.
This will include: Southeast Asia import steel prices, CIS export prices, Russia domestic steel prices and Turkey domestic scrap.
Indices The weekly iron ore indices, typically published on a Friday, were updated in the database on Thursday April 2.
The daily iron ore iron ore, coking coal and scrap indices will not be published on Friday April 3.
On Monday April 6, only the iron ore and coking coal indices will be published.
The weekly scrap indices for India, Rotterdam and the USA will be published on Tuesday April 7 and backdated to April 3.