A number of prices in the Douglas Fir veneer section of today’s Random Lengths Panel Report were published incorrectly in the FAME portal due to a rounding glitch in the database. The database has been corrected.
The following price corrections are:
PAHG West Coast Veneer Douglas Fir CD 54-inchx8-ft 1/10-inch fob mill. Incorrect Price: $85.00 Correct Price: $84.75
PALW West Coast Veneer White Woods CD 27-inchx8-ft 1/8-inch fob mill. Incorrect Price: $90.00 Correct Price: $89.50
PAMW West Coast Veneer Douglas Fir CD rw 1/8-inch fob mill. Incorrect Price: $13.00 Correct Price: $12.75
PAMX West Coast Veneer Douglas Fir CD fishtails 1/8-inch fob mill. Incorrect Price: $14.00 Correct Price: $13.50
PALY West Coast Veneer White Woods CD fishtails 1/6-inch fob mill. Incorrect Price: $27.00 Correct Price: $26.75
PALU West Coast Veneer Douglas Fir CD 1/10-inch Mix. Incorrect Price: $71.00 Correct Price: $70.75
PAMY West Coast Veneer Douglas Fir CD 1/8-inch Mix. Incorrect Price: $91.00 Correct Price: $91.25
For comments and queries, please send email to: pricing.risi@fastmarkets.com.
For other Random Lengths Pricing Notices, please see:
For more information on Random Lengths assessment methodology, please see: