Fastmarkets proposes to discontinue seven of its magnesia price assessments.
The proposal follows preliminary discussions with the market, which suggests a lack of liquidity for the commodities.
Specifically, Fastmarkets is proposing to discontinue:
MB-MAG-0001 Magnesia, dead burned, 94-95% MgO, lump, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Dead-burned 94-95% MgO lump, bulk
Quantity: Min 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Monthly. Second Tuesday of each month, 4pm London time
MB-MAG-0003 Magnesia, dead burned, 92% MgO, lump, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Dead burned 92% MgO lump, bulk
Quantity: Min 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Weekly. Tuesday, 4pm London time
MB-MAG-0004 Magnesia, calcined, 90-92% MgO, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Calcined 90-92% MgO
Quantity: Minimum 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Monthly. Second Tuesday of each month, 4pm London time
MB-MAG-0006 Magnesia, calcined, 94% MgO lump, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Calcined 94% MgO lump, bulk
Quantity: Min 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Monthly. Second Tuesday of each month, 4pm London time
MB-MAG-0008 Magnesia, fused, 97% MgO, Ca:Si 1:1, lump, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Fused 97% MgO, 1:1 Ca:Si, bulk
Quantity: Min 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Monthly. Second Tuesday of each month, 4pm London time
MB-MAG-0010 Magnesia, fused, 96% MgO lump, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Fused 96% MgO lump, bulk
Quantity: Min 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Monthly. Second Tuesday of each month, 4pm London time
MB-MAG-0011 Magnesia, calcined, 96% MgO lump, fob China, $/tonne
Quality: Calcined 96% MgO lump, bulk
Quantity: Min 1,000 tonnes
Location: FOB China
Timing: Spot
Unit: $/tonne
Publication: Weekly. Tuesday, 4pm London time
These prices are a part of the Fastmarkets industrial minerals package.
There will be no changes to Fastmarkets’ other Chinese magnesia price assessments under this proposal.
The consultation period for this price discontinuation begins on Wednesday October 23 and will end on Thursday November 21, with changes taking place, subject to market feedback, from Wednesday November 27.
All short-term forecasts associated with these prices produced by the Fastmarkets research team, if any, will also be discontinued.
To provide feedback or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to this price assessment, please contact Nina Hu by email at: Please add the subject heading “FAO: Nina Hu, re: Magnesia FOB China.”
Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.
To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to