These inferred net price indices would be calculated based on the PIX Pulp Europe (gross) price indices and Fastmarkets’ assessment of typical rebates offered to customers. The basic specifications for the new inferred net price indicators would be as for the PIX Pulp Europe gross price indices.
The consultation period for this proposed launch starts from Wednesday March 19 and will end on Wednesday April 23. The launch will take place, subject to market feedback, on July 1, 2025.
To provide feedback on these inferred net price indicator indices or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter, please contact Fastmarkets by email at Please add the subject heading “re: PIX Pulp Europe inferred net prices, 2025”
Please indicate if your response is confidential. Opinions offered in confidential responses may be referenced but will not be attributed in any way.
Fastmarkets invited feedback from the industry on the pricing methodology for PIX Pulp Europe (gross) and PIX Pulp China (net) indices, via an open consultation process between February 6 and March 6, 2025. This consultation was done as part of our published annual methodology review process. Details on the result of this consultation can be found here.
You can find the current methodology for PIX Pulp Europe (gross) indices here
To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to