Fastmarkets proposes to launch two price assessments for 400 stainless steel: stainless steel 409 cold-rolled sheet, fob mill US, $/cwt and stainless steel 430 cold-rolled sheet, fob mill US, $/cwt.With these two additional price assessments, Fastmarkets aims to supplement its data offerings to further service the automotive and white goods industries.
The proposed specifications are as follows:
Stainless steel 409 cold-rolled sheet, fob mill US, $/cwt
Quality: Chromium 10.50-11.75%, Nickel max 0.5%, manganese 1.00%, silicon 1.00%, carbon max. 0.03%. 14-gauge (2mm) thick, 2B finish, 48-wide
Quantity: Minimum 10 tons
Location: FOB US mill
Unit: USD per hundredweight
Publication: Monthly, on the 10th or next business day
Notes: Raw materials surcharges included
Stainless steel 430 cold-rolled sheet, fob mill US, $/cwt
Quality: Chromium 16.00-18.00, Nickel max 0.75%, manganese max 1.00%, silicon max 1.00%, carbon max. 0.12%. 14-gauge (2mm) thick, 2B finish, 48-wide
Quantity: Min 10 tons
Location: fob US mill
Unit: USD per hundredweight
Publication: Monthly, 10th or next business day
Notes: Raw materials surcharges included
These prices will be a part of the Fastmarkets physical steel package.
The consultation period for this proposed launch starts from February 7 and will end on March 7. The launch will take place, subject to market feedback, on April 10.
To provide feedback on these proposed assessments or if you would like to provide price information by becoming a data submitter to these stainless steel assessments, please contact Chris Kavanagh by email at Please add the subject heading “FAO: Chris Kavanagh, re: 400 series stainless US.”
Please indicate if comments are confidential. Fastmarkets will consider all comments received and will make comments not marked as confidential available upon request.
To see all Fastmarkets pricing methodology and specification documents, go to