Ukraine’s spring sowing campaign advanced by 2 percentage points in the week to June 4, despite the arrival of rainy weather in several regions of the country, with the planting campaign now 98% complete, data from the country’s agriculture ministry showed Friday.
Weekly data showed that corn planting had advanced 3 percentage points to 99% complete on Friday, equivalent to 5.3 million ha out of a planned 5.33 million ha.
Wheat sowing has neared completion on 175,400 ha or 99%, while barley was complete on 1.34 million ha (96%).
Farmers continued to maintain high rates of soybean planting and added another 8 percentage points to take sowing to 95% complete on 1.3 million ha.
Sunflower planting progressed another 4 percentage points, bringing the sunflower sowing campaign to 100% complete on 6.4 million ha.
Last year Ukraine harvested 26.95 million mt of wheat, 8.78 million m of barley, and 29.8 million mt of corn.