How secure is your battery materials supply chain?

A checklist to sourcing strategically for procurement professionals

As the demand for battery materials skyrockets, procurement professionals are facing a pressing challenge: ensuring a stable and reliable supply. In this rapidly evolving landscape, having actionable insights is key. It enables your business to make informed decisions, secure your supply chain and stay ahead in the fiercely competitive battery materials market.
Are you confident in the stability of your supply chain?

As a procurement professional, you’re well aware of the importance of reliable data and insights, but every team has its blind spots. This is especially true in such a volatile market. Use our checklist to better understand what you could be missing out on in the rapidly evolving battery materials market. Examine key questions including:

  • Do you have visibility over supply and demand forecasts for strategic planning? 
  • Are you informed on the dynamics of battery material prices to leverage short-term opportunities?
  • Are you able to set accurate cost expectations by keeping up with price changes?
  • Are you looking at other alternatives to diversify your battery materials supply?
  • Is your supply protected from price risks?

We’ll cover these questions and more, so fill out the form to help ensure you and your team are on the same page. 

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