Latest nickel prices: trends, charts, news & market analysis
Keep track of the dynamics and volatility in the nickel market
As a critical component in the battery technology used for electric vehicles, nickel’s strong demand and supply growth have created a volatile commodity market. Uncertainties about the near-term supply-demand balance for the metal have been the primary driver of this volatility, but the long-term outlook for this battery material is strong.
As well as its use in batteries for electric vehicles, about 70% of global production is for stainless steel – particularly in China. End-use markets for stainless steel are strong, including construction and automotive, as well as appliances and flatware.
To help you navigate this complex market, we aim to bring you reliable, and timely intelligence and analysis on nickel, including both nickel sulfate and mixed hydroxide precipitate (MHP).
Regional and product price divergence has been a consistent trend across nickel markets globally, creating the need for more granular price reporting. Fastmarkets has recently launched a free-on-board Indonesia price for nickel pig iron (NPI) and MHP to further expand our existing suite of nickel prices.
Subscribing to our nickel price data and insights will give you access to:
- Price data that shows the market-reflective value of each material
- Short-term forecasts for nickel which are included in our base metals short-term forecasts
- Long-term forecasts for nickel that give supply/demand balances and price forecasts to 2032
- Battery Cost Index to gain in-depth insights into the cost of lithium-ion cell components
- Risk management tool to help secure rates and reduce exposure to price volatility
- Battery Recycling Outlook to provide forecasts to 2030 to leverage the increasing recycled supply
- Our consultancy service offers bankable feasibility studies to preserve a competitive position and sustain growth in the battery materials market

Read the full product brochure to see how Fastmarkets can help you tackle nickel market transparency and price volatility
With the nickel market in flux as new supply comes online, market participants and investors need clarity and insights into what’s ahead. Get the latest nickel news and analysis from our expert price reporters.
The most recent financial results published by base metals mining companies highlight just how inflation is affecting profit margins, with increasing wages, financing costs and input prices all hitting profits, sources told Fastmarkets in the week to Thursday March 28
Keep on top of volatility with battery materials news and intel
Trade on market-reflective prices
Access critical short- and long-term forecasts in a new generation of energy markets
Gain a competitive edge in the emerging battery recycling market
Providing greater transparency into the cost of key Li-ion cell components
Enable risk management using futures contracts
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