Installing the Dashboard

Learn how to install, login and get started with the installed version of the Fastmarkets dashboard.

Searching for prices and news

Learn how to use the Search Assist Tool to quickly find prices and news in the dashboard. 

How to compare prices in charts

View and compare historical pricing in graphical or tabular format for up to eight prices.

How to build a table of prices

Learn how to work with the Multi Price Table widget to build a customized table of up to 100 prices and data fields to monitor market changes and price relationships.

How to find and display average prices

Learn how to find and display published weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly average prices to stay informed for contract negotiation or use in contract settlement.

Work with historical data in the Dashboard

Learn how to find and display historical prices in the Fastmarkets Dashboard for visualization and trend analysis.

Convert currency and unit of measure in the Dashboard

Learn how to convert and compare prices on a like for like basis regardless of their assessed currency or unit of measure.

Access short-term forecasts in the Dashboard

Fastmarkets have over 30 years expertise in providing forecast analytics to help you plan purchasing or manage inventories; guiding your next decision or negotiation whether you are buying, trading or hedging.

Discover short-term forecasts in the Dashboard using our pre-built Market Pages, explore how to work with and edit forecast charts, analysis articles as well as download PDF and spreadsheet content in the Reports Library.

Access battery materials long-term forecast content in the Reports Library

Learn how to access our 10 year long-term forecast content in the Dashboard Reports Library.

Getting started with the Dashboard

Learn how to navigate around the Fastmarkets Dashboard and get started with prices and news for your market and workflow.

How to use market pages

Save time and discover the wide range of pre-built Market Pages for your market, industry or region created by our price reporting team and learn how to customize them further.

How to set up your news widget

Quickly find and filter news articles by commodity, product, location, source and learn how to search by keyword.

How to set up newsletters

Create curated price and news content in the form of PDF newsletters . 

How to set up price and news alerts

Never miss a price move or critical insight by learning how to set up price and news alerts in the Dashboard.

How to export prices from the Dashboard
Learn how to export prices from the Dashboard to work with data in Excel spreadsheets for contract negotiation or analysis or download in pdf format to add to attach to contracts or use in business reports or presentations.
How to share content with other Dashboard users

Sharing prices, workspaces and articles can save time across teams and provide insight to other colleagues. Learn how to share content with other Dashboard users.

How to install the Excel add-in

Developed to get the most out of our price data in Excel. Install the latest version today to get improved integration of our price data into your workflow.

Working with Excel Add-in templates

Get started with Fastmarkets price assessments and historical data in our Excel Add-in with our pre-built templates.